Key Issues

Reduce the size, scope, and power of the government

The government is bigger than ever before in American history. It is imperative that we right size our spending, reduce waste, balance the power of the government through the voice of the people, and stop political office from becoming a lifelong career.

Stand firm against the radical Democrat’s extreme agenda

On July 4th, 1776, loyal Americans were of one mind to protect and provide all Americans with “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” I stand against the radical Democratic agenda which threatens to take that away. President Ronald Reagan once famously said “that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” The radical Left has put forward the most progressive and out-of-touch agenda in American history. They do not care about the negative impacts on the next generation, our planet, and our lives. They are only looking for votes and permanent seats on political stages.

Enact real tax reform and pass spending restraints

As an American, I understand that there is a genuine need for taxes. However, without real tax transformation and spending restraints/regulations; taxes will once again become the thing that divides a nation. That is, “taxation without authentic representation.” We must ensure that our taxes are not used to employ clandestine wealth redistribution and unchecked government spending and waste.

Pass new safeguards to protect the integrity of our elections

The very foundation to our democracy is our unique ability to have credibility in a fair and free election. Election integrity must be a critical assignment of our government. We must provide a process that is free of partisan, electronic fraud, voter intimidation, and results tampering. “There is more to democracy than free and fair elections, but there can be no democracy without them.” The American people must have their faith restored in the results of our democratic election process.

Empower small businesses to help grow our economy.

I know that small businesses are the engines of the American economy. They create half of our gross domestic product, create 7 out of 10 new jobs, and employ over half of the private sector workforce. Small business owners are leaders in innovation, creating innovative technology, new products, and more effective business operations. I believe that the government should help small business owners achieve their goals - not stand in their way.